On Sun, 8 Dec 1996, Karl Ferguson wrote:

> At 03:09 PM 12/8/96 +0100, Paul Seelig wrote:
> >Please advice Joel Goldberger to include the non-free stuff as well
> >because lots of people -- like me ;-) -- *do* need this software. I
> >already wrote him a message asking to do so but your word may have
> >possibly more weight!
> The whole idea for the "non-free" area is that it belongs to programs with
> difficult copyright notices such as it's not to be distributed etc.  I
> seriously doubt that any CD manufacturer will include it on a distributed CD
> because it may well break copyright laws.
This isn't exactly true.  A package can go into non-free if commercial 
use is not allowed.  A CD manufacturer can then put the package on the CD 
if they make a notice that commercial use is prohibited.  At least this 
is how I understand it.

Shaya Potter

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