I can confirm your experince.  With both Xfree 3.1.2 and 3.2 I get
double images in some application (e.g. Mosaic but not Grail).  It
appears to be a problem with the XF86_VGA16 server since the problem
seems to go away with when I use the XF86_SVGA server.

The solution is to upgrade to the SVGA server.

--- Jean Pierre

On Thu, 28 Nov 1996, Brian Gough wrote:

> I get a strange problem with the debianised Mosaic from non-free. All
> the gifs come out doubled horizontally, e.g. [ImageImage] . Looks
> Looks very very weird weird.
> I installed mosaic-2.7b5-2 using libpng1-0.88-1, on xbase-3.1.2-9 from
> buzz-fixed. X is running in 640x400 VGA16 mode (it's a laptop).

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