On 27 Nov 1996, Andy Guy wrote:

> pppd and chat should be in /usr/sbin.  They are on my system.  It is
> very unlikely a downloaded package that has been corrupted will not
> then be rejected by dpkg-ftp. And for the corruption to just move a
> few files around - even more improbable.
> Andy.

 pppd and chat are in /usr/sbin on my system as well. A downloaded 
package didn't move anything and the only corruption was from my 
filesystem overflowing.

 I moved /usr over to another disk and now I only have to use dselect 
with the ftp access mode to snag the files I want to install.

 It's sadly slow though on this 28.8 link, wish I had a CD-Rom :(


Muralynd  Rev. Mike Martin  Hrothgar the Smith, SCA Blacksmith par excellance

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