debian-user-digest Digest				Volume 2002 : Issue 592

Today's Topics:
  power down and power off also?        [ Sandip P Deshmukh <deshmukh@escorts ]
  Re: power down and power off also?    [ Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <shalehperry@at ]
  Re: Questions about mirror'ing a web  [ sean finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  Re: power down and power off also?    [ Sandip P Deshmukh <deshmukh@escorts ]
  Re: Questions about mirror'ing a web  [ Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: power down and power off also?    [ Osamu Aoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]

power down and power off also?
Sandip P Deshmukh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 13:18:54 +0530

hello all!

i have a dual boot system. it is a compaq machine.

when i select shutdown in windows, the power indicator also goes off.
when i do similarly in linux, it shuts down everything, finally says
Power Down and stays there.

is there a way in which i can make linux work in a similar way? meaning,
i select halt and just have to switch off the main switch?


Re: power down and power off also?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 23:53:05 -0800

On Friday 22 November 2002 23:48, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
hello all!

i have a dual boot system. it is a compaq machine.

when i select shutdown in windows, the power indicator also goes off.
when i do similarly in linux, it shuts down everything, finally says
Power Down and stays there.

is there a way in which i can make linux work in a similar way? meaning,
i select halt and just have to switch off the main switch?

enable power management in your kernel.

Re: Questions about mirror'ing a website
sean finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 03:01:09 -0500
Debian User List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


i think what you really want is rsync.  you can do something like

su webuser -c "rsync -avP /workingdir /livedir"
(a is for preserve time/ownership/etc, vP is for a verbose status

i believe that this way rsync will preserve all attributes except for
ownership, assuming that your webuser is a non-root account.  the nice
thing about rsync is that it only copies over the changed/new files,
possibly saving tons of disk activity/bandwidth.

1) LIVE has a different "owner:group" than WORKING.

i think su'ing to that user will do the trick, otherwise a chown -R.
it's also possibly that you can specify which attributes specifically
to preserve, but i'd have to do some fine manual page reading.

2) If I move/rename files or diretories, I need this updated.

rsync --delete will delete files/directories in the dest dir that don't
exist in the source dir.  i recommend using EXTREME caution with this
option though.  a good way to test is to add -n to the call to rsync,
which does a dry run telling everything it *would* do.

3) It only has to update once every 24 hours. <- Probably cron to do this.

i use rsync for stuff like this all the time

4) I will eventually have them on seperate computers so I can't just use
   the following which is what I am currently doing:

rsync can do sync's over the net too.  the format is

rsync srcdir host:destdir


Re: power down and power off also?
Sandip P Deshmukh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 13:45:42 +0530
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 11:53:05PM -0800, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
On Friday 22 November 2002 23:48, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
hello all!

is there a way in which i can make linux work in a similar way? meaning,
i select halt and just have to switch off the main switch?
enable power management in your kernel.

thanx for help. how? i am sorry if this seems like a basic question. i
am still a novice user. :)


Re: Questions about mirror'ing a website
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 00:17:50 -0800 (PST)
Michelle Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

hi ya michelle

- the simple way to transfer files from "working"  to the "live" area...
	- just copy the changes

- using cron to transfer is bad because ...
	a- your change might NOT yet be done  at the time that
	cron runs at midnight to update

- deleting the whole web tree is bad ..  sometimes you can't assume the
  transfer completed ... due to bad disk, power outage, network hiccup
  loose ethernet wires wiggled...

- if it is extremely important to delete files on "live" than its
  easiest to use "rsyn --delete ... " to delete files on the other system 
	( do this/that with ssh )

	further, supposedly..  your old files will not be visible
	on live, since its not referenced in the new site

	eg ... one could do  "index.html  index.html.lastmonth" 
	just for keepsake ...

a simple way ... ( heheheehee )
	cd /var/www ; wget -r http://working.foo.com

a better way ??? ( one of dozen ways to do "a better way"
	- use  http://www.foo.com  ( live site -- /var/www )

	- use  http://working.foo.com 
	( working area /home/www.jade including separate cgi and gif dirs)

	where /home/www.jade and /var/www uses the same or
	peferably different cgi-bin, icons, man, gif directories
	as configured in httpd.conf for the 2 different web servers

- transfering with a simple script from "working" to "live"

	# - avoid using cron .. unless you can guarantee the jobs are done
	# when cron transfers form working to live
	# - i dont care about "old files" that are still zombies
	# on the new updated live
	cd /home/jade/public_html/
	#	- should also include cgi-bin, gifs, ...
	# look at the last time things changed till today
	find * -type f -mtime "-last-time" -print \
		| tar zcvf /var/www.today.tgz -T -
	# keeps track of what was last updated/changed
	#	- depending on where you start your tar from
	# you can than also trivially check it for defacements
	#	w/  md5sum /var/www
	cd /var/www ; tar zxvfp ../www.today.tgz
	chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
	# create a new md5sum for hourly sanity checking
	ls -laR --full-time /var/www/* > /var/www.md5/lst.txt
	md5sum /var/www/* > /var/www.md5/today.md5
	# done transfering from working to live

c ya

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002, Michelle Storm wrote:

I am just after suggestions on the best and/or most efficient means to
mirror my website (exactly) from one location to another (currently on
same computer, but eventually multiple computers).

/var/www/			LIVE	<- Actual site location

/home/jade/public_html/		WORKING	<- Modifications and verification
					   prior to copying to /var/www

I want to "mirror" Working --> Live

A few things to keep in mind.
1) LIVE has a different "owner:group" than WORKING.

2) If I move/rename files or diretories, I need this updated.

3) It only has to update once every 24 hours. <- Probably cron to do this.

4) I will eventually have them on seperate computers so I can't just use
   the following which is what I am currently doing:

   ON a daily basis, I just manually copy and paste the following, as I
   don't trust this in a cronjob yet as I need to do it as root right

    a) rm -rf /var/www/*
    b) cp -vR /home/jade/public_html/* /var/www/
    c) chown -cR www-data:www-data /var/www

I've searched through "dselect" and found the following, and am just
looking for recommendations, or any suggestions for something better.

The choices that look like they might work for what I want.
1) mirror - Keeps FTP archives up-to-date
2) fmirror - memory efficient ftp mirror program
3) ftpmirror - Mirroring directory hierarchy with FTP

Almost but I can see a few problems here.
1) mirrordir - duplicate a directory by making a minimal set of changes

Michelle Alexia "Jade" Storm
Dragon Impersonating a Human and failing.


Re: power down and power off also?
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 00:33:19 -0800
Sandip P Deshmukh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Sat, Nov 23, 2002 at 01:45:42PM +0530, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 11:53:05PM -0800, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
On Friday 22 November 2002 23:48, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
hello all!

is there a way in which i can make linux work in a similar way? meaning,
i select halt and just have to switch off the main switch?
enable power management in your kernel.
thanx for help. how? i am sorry if this seems like a basic question. i
am still a novice user. :)

Short answer: lilo parameter apm=on

You know, you are asking lots of question here for basic GNU/Linux things.
I think it is time for you to read some introductory book on Debian.

Yep, how about reading my "Debian Reference".


For above question, it is detailed 

Good luck using GNU/Linux :-)

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