> I recently wondered why my Netscape is so slow to start. I found that
> some Debian packages adds entries to /etc/mailcap many times and
> Netscape is *very slow* in processing them.

You can find out what has installed itself into /etc/mailcap by running
the command:

        install-mime --list

Netscape is slow because it runs all the test conditions at startup.
It runs them incorrectly, too, thus causing many of the test conditions
to fail.

> I do not know yet the fundamental problem but I guess that I am not the
> only one.  If your Netscape is even slower than you could expect, check
> the file.  There should be just one copy of each lines. And Netscape is
> still faster if you remove lines you do not think to use.

Removing them from /etc/mailcap is not a solution.  The next time a package
installs itself there, that file will be regenerated with all the lines
                                 ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
    In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

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