Hello, I'm new to Tex and Latex and would like to install it to learn more about it. However, after getting my machine configured, I tried to do an "ftp" install. This worked for the most part, except for a few packages that were in the Packages file but not on ftp.debian.org or ftp.caldera.com. What really bit the dust was texbin and latex. First, texbin choked on its postinstall script. I checked and it wasn't even doing anything! It gave an error 139. But when I ran it by hand, everything worked fine. So, I changed the post-inst to just echo "I did this by hand", and dpkg --configure texbin worked fine. I'm not sure this was a good idea though.
The next thing to install was latex. This started going fine, but quickly filled up my disk with the latex.log file. This was growing larger than 400mb! I had to CTL-C out of it. I wound up uninstalling latex and all related components (dselect kicks ass). I got this stuff from stable. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Richard G. Roberto -- ******************************************************************************* Bear Stearns is not responsible for any recommendation, solicitation, offer or agreement or any information about any transaction, customer account or account activity contained in this communication. ******************************************************************************* -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]