>>>>> Tim T Walker writes: Tim> Why is Debian better?
I chose it because of the packaging system and because they said that they try to provide a stable system. In fact, nothing about Debian has ever behaved in an unexpected way for me (except for stuff that I configured myself -- go figure). The packaging system groks dependencies and versions and it can deinstall packages. It's quite thought-out, for example it knows that you need an MTA (mail transport agent) in order to meaningfully install an MUA (mail user agent). Further, it knows that there are different programs providing the same functionality (eg sendmail and smail), so to a mail reader it won't matter if you install sendmail or smail. kai -- I wonder why nobody don't like me, or is it de fact dat I'm ugly? -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]