Hello all,

I am having an issue that's been bugging me, but isn't that important,
so I've been ignoring it.  I'm hoping that maybe you folks can help.  

I have a box, mercury, that handles all the mail for my domain.  Doing a
DNS lookup on it gives the name mail.lobefin.net.  /etc/hosts looks like
this:       localhost                                   mercury   mail.lobefin.net                            mercury   adsl-216-158-52-98-cust.oldcity.dca.net     mercury

with the usual ipv6 stuff after.

The issues are these:

When I log in to this box, it displays $USER@mail, rather than @mercury,
as I would like it to, since that's the name in /etc/hostname.

Also, this:
steve@mail:~$ cat /etc/hostname 
steve@mail:~$ hostname
steve@mail:~$ hostname -a
steve@mail:~$ hostname -s
steve@mail:~$ hostname -d
steve@mail:~$ hostname --fqdn

doesn't seem to correspond - `hostname` should return what's in
/etc/hostname, right?

And finally, when I log into sqwebmail, it displays the email address as
$[EMAIL PROTECTED], and puts this as the return address on any mail
sent from the box.  I have worked around this with exim, but I would
like it to give the email address $[EMAIL PROTECTED]  This may be a
problem with sqwebmail setting the hostname from the FQDN, rather than
from a config file, but since the rest of my hostname settings aren't
doing exactly what I'd like, I thought I'd throw it in as well.

Someone please hit me with a cluebat?

  |Stephen Gran                  | Computers can figure out all kinds of       |
  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]             | problems, except the things in the world    |
  |http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | that just don't add up.                     |

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