Hi, I could finally install postgres95.1.0 in my box linux. For whose that are intresseted, here how did i do (sorry, my method appear to be barbar but it work). Important: THERE IS NO GUARANTIE IN MY METHOD.
Here is my box package; --------------------------------------- | debian 1.1 | gcc 2.7.2 | flex 2.5.2 | --------------------------------------- Lets go. In my box there is a user callesd postgres postgres:*:32:32:postgres:/usr/local/postgres95:/bin/bash 1 PWD cd /usr/local tar xvzf postgres95-1.0.tar.gz chown -R postgres postgres95 chgrp -R postgres postgres95 su postgres ($pwd=/usr/local/postgres95) 2 PATH Just put it in postgres .bash_profile PATH="$PAHT:/usr/local/postgres95/bin" PGDATA="/usr/local/postgres95/data" PGPORT=5432 EXPORT ALL To be sure that all goes wright for the PAHT, exit & login with user postgres. 3 Makefile.global Here all that i change in Makefile.global PORTNAME= linux TCL_INCDIR= /usr/include/tcl TCL_LIBDIR= /usr/lib/tcl7.4 TCL_LIB = -ltcl7.4 TK_INCDIR= /usr/include/tcl TK_LIBDIR= /usr/lib/tk4.0 TK_LIB = -ltk4.0 4 INCLUDE Next step is to vi +22 src/libpq/libpq-fe.h and to replace #include "libpq/pqcomm.h" to #include "/usr/local/postgres95/src/backend/libpq/pqcomm.h" Now we are ready to do make /* In my box 486 Dx4 120 27minutes, so you can drink something */ make install I dont know why but it is important to do the last step by step. cd initdb postmaster -S cd /usr/local/postgres95/src/test/regress/ make all runtest /* you have to drink something ???? */ Now i wanted to know if someone can help in the way that i could be able to interact my db with Perl or Java. Send me a mail. Excusez moi pour mon pouvre englais. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]