First of all please let me thank all of you who responded to my newbie
questions...I really appreciate all of the help and I hope I am not hogging
the lists time...

I have installed minicom, ppp, cpp, etc. according to the dependencies
Debian told me about...
The PPP manual and several others have told me I will need to compile my
kernel to use PPP or the Ethernet card I had posted about earlier.  What
the heck do I need to do this?  I have only downloaded cpp from the dev
module sections.  What else do I need?  I don't think I have any source
code on the machine as of yet...
I thought I remembered having the option for a NE2000 compliant ethernet
card and ppp dynamically loading library in the startup when I first
installed Debian, but like a fool I didn't choose these since I didn't have
anything at the time...  Can this be done instead of recompiling the
kernel?  I posted earlier that I have a 100 MB drive and I was told this
was not enought, but currently I don't have the cash flow for more (50 days
and counting till I get married and have to pay for a honeymoon :-)...)
Can I do this stuff with only 49 MB left, according to the 'df' command?


Several people told me about the color-ls command and how to type 'eval
DIRCOLORS' in the initialization file...Where is this file and what is it

Once again thanks for y'all's help and for your UNBELIEVEABLE patience!

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