Excerpts from mail: 24-Oct-96 Samba and LyX by Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> 1.      I use NT as a network here(choke).  So I need the Samba routiens
> running.  Although on Slackware I had some other problems with it
> (probably the version levels I was using), On this one I cannot see long
> filenames.  I am using the smbmount command like I am supose to and I
> compiled the smb support into the kernal.  I figure that it is something
> simple but I do not know.  

When configuring the kernel, choose the option that allows you to use
experimental drivers. Then you will see the samba long filenames driver,
I haven't tried it yet, my new compiled gernel gives me a gpf :) Also of
note, this is in the 2.0.6 source which can be gotten as a debian
package, there more recent kernels probably have better versions of the
long file names driver if this one doesn't work...

Until now I didn't even know about smbmount though I looked at
NET-2-HOWTO and such... can anyone tell me how do I get a list of
services or whatever that I could mount with it?

Also, anyone get Appletalk working?



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Date:   Fri, 25 Oct 96 17:02:07 GMT
             (from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Skreeg) (Brian Skreeg))
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From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Skreeg Brian Skreeg)
To:     debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Daft newbie help. Boot stuff.
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Hi Brian,

>       Hi clever peeps.
>       I'm quite new to debian and linux in general but have been doing
> exectionally well for a first timer. Even managed to get X installed and
> recompile and install a kernel with sound support. :) Clever eh?
>       Anyway, the problem I'm having just now is a simple one. Where do I
> put commands that I want executed at startup? For example. I need to set my
> hostname for my ppp dial-up stuff. Having a text file in /etc called
> HOSTNAME containing my hostname isn't good enough. I need to run the
> command "hostname fishtech.u-net.com" like so. What file to I place this in
> so it is run everytime the machine boots? I've read several documents and
> book but they all seem to point to a mythical rc.local file that doesn't
> exist in the Debian setup. Debian seems to do it's whole rc.d thing a lot
> differently from other distributions. 
>       Also how do I set certain EnvVars at startup?
> TIA,
> Ozzy,
>    __ _ _                
>   /  \ \ \ 
>  / / / / / |-Brian Skreeg--------IRC:_Ozzy-|
>  \__/  \ \ |-Lead guitarist extraordinaire-|
>     \__/_/ |-I don't look like two zombies-|

   __ _ _                
  /  \ \ \ 
 / / / / / |-Brian Skreeg--------IRC:_Ozzy-|
 \__/  \ \ |-Lead guitarist extraordinaire-|
    \__/_/ |-I don't look like two zombies-|

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