On 22 Nov 2002, 07:59:38, Kent West wrote:
> M.Wegmann wrote:
> >I installed xdm (apt-get install xdm), but it doesn't work, when I do 
>/etc/init.d/xdm start I get xdm error (pid 239) start xdm 
> >error
> >
> >when i typ in startx i get fatal screen error, no screens found
> >
> >and one of the shutdown messages is also that xdm is not running. 
> That means you don't have X installed/configured.
> Try "apt-get install x-window-system"

Kent, I assume that's the equivalent of running tasksel and selecting X-Windows?


You don't have a working X-Windows config.

Log in as root, and run:

XFree86 -configure

This will let X try and build a valid configuration.  The output from this
program will include a new config file in /root, and the instructions for
starting X with this config file.

My experience has been that answering the configuration questions during
the install works best for mouse and keyboard issues, and that letting X
autoconfigure works well in some cases for video modes.  By mixing and matching,
you can get a working Xwindows config.


Doug MacFarlane

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