On 13 Oct 1996, Rob Browning wrote:

> Christian Hudon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Well, I'm not sure that installing the most recent one is the right
> answer.  Take ghostscript for example.  There's the GNU version in
> .../text and the Aladdin version in .../non-free.  Now the GNU version
> should always be <= the Aladdin version since GNU repackages the
> Aladdin version after it's been out for a while.  People who want an
> all free software machine may prefer the GNU version even if it's
> older.

If they do want that, they just don't select the non-free one. Then the
GNU version will get installed. Or even easier, if they want just free
software, they don't select the non-free section and then they never even
*see* the non-free ghostscript 4.01.

> I think that it might make more sense to just disallow two packages
> with the same name in a given Debian package tree.  In this case I
> think we should have a virtual ghostscript package provided by both
> gs-aladdin and gs-gnu, or whatever.  Then no one gets confused about
> what you mean.

Huh? By 'given package tree' you mean 'non-free' vs 'stable/unstable' vs
'contrib', don't you? Then there is no problem. because ghostscript 4.01
is in non-free and ghostscript 3.something in in unstable.

I still don't see a problem... Unless the problem is that dftp makes no
distinction between the different sections (i.e. doesn't allow people to
distinguish between non-free, unstable and contrib)... but that would be a
problem with dftp, IMO.


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