In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Rick Macdonald  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>A year ago I tried out NIS and had it working on my Slackware system.
>(I didn't actually need to use it, so I only ran it for a day.)
>I can't seem to get it to work now. When ypbind is running, commands
>that should trigger a name lookup don't even cause the lights on my
>modem (ppp) or ISDN box to blink with any activity. Same is true when
>I execute ypbind itself: no line activity.
>Routing is OK, since I can telnet, ftp, etc to remote hosts by using
>IP addresses rather than names.

Ah I see what you want.

You don't need NIS to resolve hostnames. In fact, I'm pretty sure the
current Linux libc doesn't even support this. The only NIS support in
the library is for password and group files. Not that I ever tried it
ofcourse :)

So, setup your /etc/resolv.conf to point to a valid DNS nameserver.

># ps -auwwx|grep yp
>root      1527  0.0  1.2   828   388  ?  S   23:55   0:00 /usr/sbin/ypbind 
>root      1529  0.0  1.2   832   384  ?  S   23:55   0:00 /usr/sbin/ypbind 
>Is is strange that ypbind appears twice?

No, it's forking a subprocess to try to bind to the domain.

># ypcat passwd
>YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: No bound server for domain veritas
>No such map passwd.byname. Reason: Can't bind to server which serves this

Yep, ypbind doesn't see the NIS server.

>I get this message in /var/adm/daemon.log (remember, the lights never 
>blink on the modem):
>Oct 10 00:06:01 localhost /usr/sbin/ypbind[28920]: Running in restricted
>mode -- request to bind domain "veritas" rejected. 
>in case there's a problem with broadcasting.
>With my ISDN:
># netstat -rn
>Kernel IP routing table
>Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface
>   U      1500 0          0 eth0
>       U      3584 0          0 lo
>         UG     1500 0          0 eth0
>With my PPP:
># netstat -rn
>Kernel IP routing table
>Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt  Iface
> UH     1500 0          0  ppp0
>       U      3584 0          0  lo
>         UG     1500 0          0  ppp0
>Note that with ppp, I'm on the same subnet as the NIS server, but with
>ISDN I'm on a different one. Both ways, I have this same problem.

Yeah. The problem is that the broadcast of ypbind never leave your local
network, which is ofcourse logical. So the ypserv that is on a completely
different network never sees the broadcasts and never replies.

The Slackware ypbind is the GPL'ed one. The Debian ypbind is one that
I hacked up based on the BSD ypbind, because the GPL'ed one wasn't
stable in a multiple-NIS server environment. The current debian ypbind is,
in fact it's rock stable.

The thing is that with the GPL'ed ypbind you could bind it to a NIS
server manually through /etc/yp.conf. The BSD one relies on broadcasts,
the -S option is only to restrict to which server it eventually binds.

This week a new version of the GPL ypbind (3.00) was announced. I'll
give it a try and I'll see if it is useable for Debian. If so I'll
probably use it because it has more features and it's GPL instead of BSD
which is in our case ofcourse preferable.

Until then, you could get the new ypbind-3.00 yourself and put it
in /usr/local/bin. That should get you started.

Here's the announcement in case you missed it:

>From: Swen Thuemmler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Subject: New version of ypbind (3.0)
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 1996 20:13:37 GMT

I've made a new version of ypbind available on

This version supersedes the ypbind which is included in yp-clients-2.2. It
fixes some serious bugs, so please don't use the version from yp-clients
anymore. There are some small improvements to the 2.99beta version which was
available for a while from the same place. If you had problems with ypbind
before, I'd encourage you to try the new version.

ypbind is a daemon process, which locates a NIS server on your network and
provides this information to the NIS lookup routines in libc. You need
ypbind if you are using NIS (aka YP), unless you have the NYS enabled libc
(e.g. RedHat distribution) - but you still need it if you run a NIS server.

Greetings, Swen

|  Miquel van Smoorenburg  \ The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything \
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ Just reinstall windows and try again, sir.     \

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