Please reply to the list chris, not to me in personal.

-----Forwarded Message-----

To: Stefan Janecek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] cdrdao and toc files
Date: 21 Nov 2002 20:41:52 +0100

On 21 Nov 2002, at 11:59, Stefan Janecek wrote:

> On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 02:00, Bill Moseley wrote:
> > Can someone point me to info about the toc files used by cdrdao.
> > Specifically I'm trying to understand what I can and cannot do just with
> > the toc file -- such as how to split a track into multiple tracks, or
> > shorten a track.

I'm a linux newbie, but still beleive I can input some info for you. 
Since I always used cue file when burning CDDA cds to my friends 
(in windows). 
The reason why I prefered cue files instead of the just doing a 
simple CDDA burning is:
1. Every new track strats with an index. When you are using cue 
files, you can put in as many indexes as you please, e.g. spittning 
the wav to many tracks.
2. If the first wasfile has "index 0", it gets ignored by the cdplayer 
and creates kind of a hidden track b4 track 1. To listen to it, you 
have to start playing track one and from there rewinding.

Now to the newbie stuff, I didn't se any indexing entry in this bash 
script below, so I assume the cdrecord assumes indexes b4 each 
new wav and therefore also writes one, but this is just a quess. 
Neither have I a clue how to write cue-files sinces I had a little 
proggie in win95 that did it 4 me.

> > And how I can build a toc file from a collection of .wav
> > files (where I don't know their length in seconds).
> > 
> I use the following bash script to do that...
> (if you don't give the length explicitly, cdrdao is wise 
> enough to take the length of the .wav file ;-)
> --------------------[snip!]---------------------------------
> #!/bin/bash
> #
> # create .toc file for cdrdao
> echo CD_DA
> for file in *.wav
> do
>       echo
>       echo TRACK AUDIO
>       echo FILE \"$file\" 0
> done
> --------------------[snip!]---------------------------------
> HTH, Stefan
> > Thanks,
> > -- 
> > Bill Moseley
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you
> will hear the voice of Satan?
> That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.
> __________________________________________________________________________
> Stefan Janecek
> Institute of Semiconductor & Solid State Physics
> Universtity of Linz/Austria                

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