Jeff Blaine writes:

-> I'm running a fresh copy of Debian 1.1.9
-> So, a few questions and some comments:
-> 1.  Where is the secret stash of user-packaged packages?  I'm looking
->     for SSH, NcFTP, and a few other things.  I've looked in
->, but there are only a
->     handful of things there.

There's a fair amount of stuff in non-free.  Non-free doesn't mean you
have to pay for it, it just means that there are extra restrictions on
it's distribution and/or use, usally of the form "Free for
non-commercial use". I know ncftp falls in this category. I don't know
if a debian version of ssh exists yet...

-> 2.  My X server is not recognizing Backspace in Motif programs such as
->     Netscape Navigator 3.0.  I grabbed the XKeysymDB from the Netscape
->     tar.gz file on and diff'd it with the one in
->     /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 and there appear to be no relevant differences.

This is because the default setup makes both the backspace and delete
keys do Delete.  Use either xmodmap or xkeycaps to change this.  I use
xmodmap .xmodmap, where .xmodmap contains the line
keycode 0x6B =  BackSpace

This makes the Delete key send a backspace (It's more compatible with
my key usage :).  Don't know what the keycode is for backspace,

-> 3.  As user 'jblaine', I was unable to run X due to the X server needing
->     to put a file in /var/run.  I had to chmod u+s my X server for the
->     time being, which I'm not all too thrilled about.  Any advice?

How are you starting X? My setup works OK.  /usr/bin/X11/X is a suid
program which runs the approptriate Xserver.


  Larry Daffner        |  Linux: Unleash the workstation in your PC!
Hare's Law:
Inside every large program is a small program struggling to get out.

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