I am trying to install Debian 1.1 on my system. In general it works fine.
However, after the initial installation, I try to pick a few more packages.
When I go into dselect, everything works as advertised: dselect tells me about
conflicts, prereqs, suggestions etc.  Unfortunately, when I finish with the
selection and try to install, all I get is the sequence of messages (para-

trying to install package xxx
copying xxx-1
installing xxx
missing prerequisite: yyy
install failed

Obviously, the install checks for each package whether the prerequisite pack-
ages are there and the whole install doesn't proceed when something is missing.
However, I did select package yyy. It seems that dselect does not sort the
list based on dependencies, and I couldn't find an option to instruct it to
do so. I didn't find anything in the FAQ either. Since I haven't found a
complaint about this problem in this newsgroup, it is apparent that I did some-
thing wrong. Can anybody tell me what it is?

Hartmann Schaffer

PS. I did try (when getting dependency warnings) to deselect the originally
    selected packeage, select all the prerequisites, and then select again the
    original package. It didn't do any good.

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