Raymond Penners wrote:
> I do have "/usr/lib/terminfo/a/amiga". But it is not listed in
> "/etc/terminfo/a" (here only "ansi" is present).

I think it is there only because it is needed during the installation
(and it belongs to ncurses-base). /usr/lib/terminfo/a/ansi is a symlink
ti /etc/terminfo/ , but _only_ ansi (in a/ dir).

ncurses by default looks for terminfo compiled files in
/usr/lib/terminfo, and you have it there.

> Both TERMCAP and TERMINFO are unset. Setting TERMINFO to
> /usr/lib/terminfo doesn't help either. So, IMHO, the Debian ncurses
> package is broken.

What kind of test did you do to say that? 
I just tryed tput -T amiga <some cap> and got the correct sequencies.

I re-read your first message and noticed that you refere to
 "Amiga terminal emulation"

ncurses and terminfo are not for terminal emulation, on the contrary
they allow a terminal (for example an amiga running a terminal emulator)
to log in the host and run curses applications.

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