> > Hello all. > > I would like to install gimp. > > gimp-dmotif (dynamic) > vs. > gimp-smotif (static) > > I am using a standard debian install with X, tcp/ip ... > > I would like to know : > > q1 - how do I know if I can use the static version?
You can use the static version. Whether or not you want to is another story. The difference is in how the two packages are linked. Gimp requires the use of the Motif libraries. However, the Motif libraries have restrictive distribution requirements. You must pay money for the shared version of the Motif libraries, but it is perfectly acceptable to distribute programs linked statically with the Motif libraries. The tradeoff is memory -- each copy of the static libraries gets loaded into memory for each statically linked program running, whereas for the shared libraries, only one copy of the library is loaded into memory regardless of the number of programs using it. In addition, each executable statically linked has a copy of the library on disk, as opposed to only one copy in the /usr/X11/lib directory. So the static version can be used by anyone -- it doesn't require the use of the costly shared Motif libraries. The dynamic version is only useful if you have the shared Motif libraries. > > q2 - given a choice between both, what version would be "better or > faster ...". Are there any pros and/or cons to choosing one or > the other when both are valid options for a given machine > (i.e.. speed vs. size ... )? If you -can- use the dynamic version, you probably should. Since you will probably be using other Motif applications (else why would you have bought the libraries?), using shared libraries instead of static libraries will give you more free memory, less swapping, etc. However, if you -can't- use the dynamic version, then you need the static version. If you only have Debian stuff installed, then you don't have Motif installed. So in that case, you will need the static version. > > Thanx in advance ... > > Keep up the good work - it is greatly appreciated. >