On 17 Aug 1996, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> Is anyone running StarOffice under Debian?
> If so how and where did you get the Motif Libraries?
I haven't got it running yet,(I have heard that right now it is very buggy) 
but supposdly they include a large set of Motif2.0 in one of the shared 
libraries they include in the program, so all you have to do is install 
it (w/ the StarInst script, I have it if anyone needs it)  and then copy 
the shared library to /usr/X11R6/lib and rename libXm.so.2 and you should 
be fine.  Another way that suppodly works is to get LessTif, but that 
never worked for me because I wasn't able to get ldconfig to recognize 
libXm when I renamed it from libXm.so.0 to libXm.so.2

If anyone knows why that didn't work, I'd appreciate some insight.

Hope this Helps,

Shaya Potter

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