I made the same mistake that Joshua and Hakan made.  The READMEFIRST file
in /usr/doc/lilo gives two possible fixes:

 - In linux you can remove lilo from the master boot record with:
        lilo -U

 - In MSDOS you can remove lilo by:
        fdisk /mbr

The lilo -U fix did not work for me since I had already re-partitioned.
fdisk /mbr was successful.


On Wed, 14 Aug 1996, Joshua Stockwell wrote:

> I had this exact same setup. Slackware on the slave disk and msdos on
> the other master disk. And I just recently upgraded to Debian and ran
> into the exact same problem. Silly me to forget to uninstall lilo
> first!  The reason your boot is hanging is that it is looking for the
> old lilo that doesnt't exist anymore. You need to re-install lilo.  If
> your lilo.conf is setup right just type "lilo" and it should re-write
> the MBR so you'll be able to boot normally. Lilo should be on your
> linux partition, not your dos partition. Good luck!
>       - Josh Stockwell
>  Hakan wrote:
> >>> I have a 486 on which I untill recently had MSDos and Slackware installed 
> >>> on
> >>> two diffrent harddisks, with LILO installed in the master boot block of 
> >>> the
> >>> msdos harddisk allowing me to select between the two operating systems. 
> >>> This
> >>> worked just fine.
> >>> Now, I decided to convert into Debian (I just love it's package system), 
> >>> so I
> >>> through out the Slackware stuff and installed the three disks base 
> >>> system. I
> >>> had to install LILO by hand because the instalation package tried to 
> >>> install
> >>> it on the linx partion, which is the second partion on the secon harddisk
> >>> (/dev/hdb2). I placed it on (/dev/hda). Then I rebootet. Then insted of 
> >>> the
> >>> LILO text that is supposed to show up when LILO loads I only got "L" 
> >>> followd
> >>> by "04" repeated in what seemsed to infinity.
> >>> I have tried bothe my old Slackware lilo configuration file, the new 
> >>> created
> >>> by Debian. I have tried both the lilo version that came with Debian and 
> >>> the
> >>> old one used by Slackware. I have tried having both the MSDos hd and the 
> >>> Linux
> >>> HD as the first HD. And Gud knows what else, but the result is just the 
> >>> same.
> >>> What am I doing wrong?
> >>> I have temporarity solved the problem by using a MSDos boot disk with a 
> >>> menu
> >>> that allows me to either run the startup files from my HD after load MSDOS
> >>> from the floppy, or execute loadlin to load a linux kernerel from my 
> >>> msdos HD
> >>> and mount the root system. And this works acceptable. But it is not a 
> >>> decent
> >>> solution. And since LILO worked with Slackware, I see no reason for it 
> >>> not to
> >>> work with Debian. Any sugestions will be appricialed. Thanx.

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