I'm finally upgrading a 2-years-ancient Linux system, running
an old Slackware 1.2 (or so) distribution.  Back then Slackware's
default mail agent was smail; since then they've switched to sendmail.
Slackware 3 was pre-installed on the new machine I bought, so I
thought I'd try using it as the base system and selectively restoring
my old setup as needed.  I had problems compiling the latest smail
from source, and the current Slackware smail binaries aren't
configured to look for the same things as the old ones did.  After
a few hours of tinkering I had outgoing mail working but not

I'm wondering if it wouldn't just be easier, since I'm in for
a reinstall anyway, to junk Slackware and try building on a
new Debian system.  I'd be interested in hearing from anyone
who has taken a similar leap from an old Slackware setup, especially
re: the smail configuration.
David Sewell  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | "Night-walkers, wizards,
Dep't of Geosciences, University of Arizona     |  bacchanals, revellers,
 http://packrat.aml.arizona.edu/~dsew/          |  sharers in the mysteries."
                                                |      --Heraclitus

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