>   Allan> Now i would like to install debian, so where do i get the
>   Allan> system ?
> You get all of this from ftp.debian.org, or one of its mirrors (the
> message listing the mirrors will be printed when you connect to the
> site).  Debian needs a boot disk, a root disk, and three base disks.

or you can use just the first two files, and the base1_1.tgz file, which
must be in either / or an immediate subdirectory.  IE, if you will keep
a dos partition, leave the file in c:\, and mount c:\ as /dos (or whatever)

> Everything else is installed from a local disk partition, or an NFS
> mounted partition, or from CD, or via FTP (for this you will need
> dpkg-ftp which I think is in the tools directory).

you no longer need dpkg-ftp; it (or at least enough of it) is included
in the 5 disks/ 2disks+file.

(note:  for versions prior to tomorrows, there are about 5 missing
files, so it doesn't work unless you install perl, or add these five
files.  I manually added them, confirmed that worked, and Bruce is
adding them.)

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