On Tue, 14 May 1996, Craig Sanders wrote:

Morning Craig and all the others here ! 8-)

> Yep, that's why any 'unsupported' directory would have to be clearly marked
> Something like:
>   **** WARNING ********* WARNING ********* WARNING ********** WARNING ****
>   *                                                                      *
>   * These packages are unsupported.  That means:                         *
>   *                                                                      *
>   *     USE AT YOUR OWN RISK (like the rest of Debian but even more so)  *

stuff deleted...

That's a great idea !!!

> ought to do it :-)

Absolutely. If Bruce finds some time the dpkg and dselect ought also be 
modified to show up a small "WARNING" message.

> If the 'Maintainer:' field in debian.control was 'UNSUPPORTED', then the
> bug tracking system could then be modified to send a form letter back
> for any bug report on an unsupported package saying "you might get some
> help from other users but don't count on it"

Great idea ! Any comments ? 



Steffen R.Mueller               __  ___ _       _     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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