> I installed fvwm2 but still get the xterm that comes as the default. If you start X with 'xinit' or 'startx' and do _not_ have an X startup script in your home directory, you will be punished by being presented with an X term that could only be read by people under the age of 20. You can circumvent this by including a file called ".xinirc" or ".xsession" in your home directory. I recommend .xsession, since all of the three X startup methods (xinit, startx, and xdm) look for it.
Below please find my simple .xsession file. It invokes 2 xterms, both with fonts big enough for me to see: ----------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh # This file is called by /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults oclock -g +1152+0 & xterm -sb -sl 1500 -fn 12x24 -g 80x24+9+1 & xterm -sb -sl 1500 -fn 12x24 -g 80x24+291+418 & xsetroot -solid SteelBlue fvwm ----------------------------------------------------- Note that (unlike .xinitrc) .xsession need not be a Bourne shell script, but _must_ be executable. Hope that helps. Susan Kleinmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]