Hi there!

I have a strange problem with my boxes.
I have three systems, all running sarge. Two of them have X with kde running. One is just a server without any gui.

All three systems are attached to a digitus IC-814-I KVM-switch.

On one of the gui - boxes, I had knoppix installed for more than a year now. I ran icewm as windowmanager.
If I switched from one system to the other, everything worked fine.
Now I installed sarge on the second box, but from now on, I can no longer switch from one system to the other, without loosing my keyboard. Whenever I do, I have to reboot the system and leave the switch on that system to make my keyboard work again. But this is not, how I can use my systems. If I boot into windows, which is installed as a second operating system on the older sarge-box, the keyboard works at least on this system after switching to another machine and back.

Has anybody any ideas, what needs to be installed to make my switch work again with sarge?

Thanks in advance!
| Andreas Sumper
| Project Management / Security / Administration
| nimbus Development IT Consulting GmbH
| we unleash the power of domino
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| 8020 Graz
| Tel.: +43 (0) 316 714 255 -> DW 18
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| http://www.nimbus.at/
| sent through Lotus Notes 6.5.1
| using wine on a linux box

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