On Monday June 27 2005 1:00 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This MythTV sounds really cool.  I've been reading about it for a
> few weeks now, and would like to try it.  I have a couple of
> questions for those that have it running.
> 1. What card would you suggest that I use?
> 2. To install, do I just do apt-get install mythtv?
> What are the steps to installation?  I'll be starting with a clean
> machine.
> Compaq Deskpro PIII 866 MHz with a 120GB hard drive.

Bzzt!  Rule of thumb is 1GHz per stream you'll be handling.  So if you 
want to record *or* play, 1GHz.  If you want to record while playing 
another show, look at 2GHz.  You can squeek it by with less (like, 
say, an Apple Macintosh LCIII) if you throw in MPEG hardware to do 
all the encoding and decoding (like the TiVo Series 1, which is 
remarkably similar to a Mac LCIII with a PCI slot turned inside out).

Google is your best friend when it comes to DIY PVRs.  Please post a 
followup of what you did to build one if you find a relatively 
Debianized way to do it if you find one, I'm sure someone else will 
be looking for it in the future.

Paul Johnson
Email and Instant Messenger (Jabber): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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