Gayle Lee Fairless wrote:

line 'initrd=/initrd.img' after the read-only line in the Linux label stanza. Now the 2.6 kernel (you guessed or read correctly) boots. It appears to be a little fussier than the bf2.4 kernel which still works fine. I kept it under the LinuxOld label where the package put it in lilo.conf.

After I fixed the lilo.conf with the initrd=/initrd.img, I got the 2.6.8 kernel to run but ran into what appeared to be Bug #276020 filed against that kernel so I went to unstable and got the 2.6.11 kernel. It seems to manifest the same bug with wvdial.

I just read it.  Just to clarify, are you saying that you too have a
500MHz Celeron in a Dell Optiplex GX-100?

  I now have package
ii  kernel-image-2 2.6.11-7       Linux kernel image for version 2.6.11 on PPr

from unstable on a sarge upgraded from woody. I managed to use pon somehow to connect to the Internet, but it seems to cut on and off periodically.

        Is there a better workaround?

Did you try an internal modem?  How about recompiling the kernel
with a 100Hz tick (instead of the default 1KHz)?  These are the
first troubleshooting steps I would take based on the bug description.

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