En/La Erdi Balint ha escrit, a 24/06/05 12:50:
> Hi,
> I also wanted to have the mplayer plugin for the Mozilla (more exactly
> Firefox) browser to be able to view quicktime movies and possibly listen
> to internet radios. However, installing the mozilla-mplayer package and
> trying to view the movie trailers on apple.com, my browser simply
> crashes gracelessly, without saying a word. Has anyone come across this
> thing or could help?
> Thank you,
> Balint

Hi Balint,
I tried http://www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/wwdc05/ and saw Steve Jobs
addressing some conference. I don't know about the mozilla-mplayer
plugin but the mplayer plugin works fine.
I'm running Debian Etch and Firefox 1.0.4
You want mplayerplug-in.so and mplayerplug-in.xpt in you
~/.mozilla/plugins folder.
If that's what you have already you might trying to remove so other
plugins from that folder and see if that solves the problem.

Please don't cc: your posting to my personal address.
Thank you.

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