En/La [KS] ha escrit, a 23/06/05 20:42:
> Ah, that made sound work. Thanks. But the solution does not seem to
> solve the problem permanently. The sound came back after stopping alsa,
> removing the file asound.state and then starting alsa again. However,
> there was no sound when I rebooted the machine.
> Just checking a little more about asound.state, I checked the diff of
> the file before sound was working and after sound was working. There was
> no difference! So although sound works, it hasn't solved the problem
> completely.
> Thanks for the suggestion though.
> /KS

Since you're running kde, have a look at the control centre > sound &
multimedia > sound system > hardware tab
Is it set to Alsa? I've noticed that when it's set to auto some of my
apps are unhappy and don't produce sound. This is corrected when I
switch to alsa. Also don't forget to run
#alsactl store
when you get the sound working, otherwise it may default back to mute
and you have to reset the mixer every time you reboot.

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