I am trying to add tomcat4 into my existing apache2 system so that I can 
experiment with java (in the form of servlets and jsp).

Although in reality I only have a single computer, for learning purposes I 
want to similate the situation where I have potentially split web and 
application servers.

So this server has two ethernet cards - one facing the outside world with an 
address assigned by my isp using dhcp.  www.chandlerfamily.org.uk points at 
this address.

On the other side, my lan side, I have allocated myself a range of io 
addresses using eth1 ( eth1:0 ( eth1:1 
(192,168.0.31) as the devices (and their ip addresses) created via iface 
stanzas in /etc/networking/interfaces.

Bind is used to provide different names to the different lan based ip 

An iptables firewall protects the addresses and does NAT.

Using Apache2, I then use ip based virtual hosts, so the external address has 
one web site for http and two of the internal addresses support two other 
http web sites.  https is allocated a further host on the external address to 
replicate one of the internal sites and providing secure access to webmail.   

I would like to set up tomcat so that it acts as though it were running on the 
single ip address (although appropriate requests to my external 
web site - are routed through to it via apache).

Obviously therefore I need to connect apache2 to tomcat4 and therefore 
installed libapache2-mod-jk2. 

However, there doesn't seem to be any clear documentation to tell me how to 
achieve a configuration of this connector to tell me what to do.  There are 
examples of configuration and a howto, but all of them assume a particular 
configuration and so don't explain what all the keywords mean.

If you look on the jakata.apache.org web site it says that mod_jk2 is 
depreciated and that mod_jk is the only one supported.  However if I look at 
debian packages mod_jk seems to only be for apache1 and for apache2 I only 
have choice of mod_jk2.

So some questions

-why is there no libapache2-mod-jk package (even in unstable - although my 
server is running sarge)?

-where can I find a full explanation of the workers2.properties configuration 

-where can I find a full explanation of the mod_jk2 directives that go in my 
apache2 configuration

-can someone on these mailing lists help me unravel the example configuration 
files and configure them to meet my requirements listed above

Alan Chandler

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