On Thu, Jun 23, 2005 at 11:55:52AM +0100, Joe McCool wrote:
> My lilo.conf features lines with \vmlinuz and \vmlinuz.old etc.
> These vmlinuz's are links to vmlinuz*2* files in my \boot directory.

I hope you mean "/" instead of "\" in all cases. :-)

> 1st confusion:
> But my /boot directory should (?) be mounted from /dev/sda1 (small boot
> partition on large scsi disk) _after_ the system has booted !

In lilo.conf you specify a root partition "/" to boot from. Among
others this will contain the directory /etc with the fstab file. If
there is a partition mentioned in that file that should be mounted at
the /boot directory then lilo will mount it. After this is done the
real booting takes place.

In short: you can put the /boot directory on a separate partition or
you can just leave it on the root partition. Both approaches should
work without problems in most cases. 

> 2nd confusion:
> When I run lilo manually it uses the information in /etc/lilo.conf to
> write the mbr, using data from /boot ?


Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands] 
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