On 6/22/05, Chris Boot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Siju George wrote: > > >On 6/21/05, Chris Boot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > >>Hi, > >> > >>Siju George wrote: > >> > >> > >> > >>>Hi, > >>> > >>>To start with. > >>> > >>>I have a set of folders "A" on a computer "Sarge1". > >>>I have another computer "Sarge2" with a copy of the same set of folders > >>>"A".. > >>> > >>>The contents of the set of folders "A" on "Sarge1" gets deleted, > >>>updated, modified continously. > >>>How can I get those changes on to the set of folders "A" on "Sarge2" > >>>as soon as possible?? > >>> > >>>i.e The changes to "A" on "Sarge1" should be propogated to "A" on > >>>"Sarge2" as quickly as possible. > >>> > >>>is running > >>> > >>>#rsync -avz [EMAIL PROTECTED]:A [EMAIL PROTECTED]:A > >>> > >>>continously as a cronjob the best way to do it??? > >>> > >>>if so how will I give the password for "root" on "Sarge1" while > >>>executing the above command in a shell script as a cronjob?? > >>> > >>>Could someone please guide me if there are better ways of doing the > >>>propagation of changes?? > >>> > >>>Thankyou so much > >>> > >>>Kind Regards > >>> > >>>Siju > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>If the machines are very remote then rsync from a cron job is probably > >>the best way, yep. Look at the ssh manpage about using public-key > >>authentication so you don't need to type the password (simply create a > >>key with no password). > >> > >>If, however, the machines are really close together you might like to > >>look into using NFS instead. That was you only need to keep the files on > >>Sarge1 and mount A onto Sarge2, which will _always_ have the >latest > >>version. > >> > >> > >> > > > >Thanks a lot for the reply Chris :-) > > > >I want to have two set of copies actually for redundancy. > >How are the debian mirror sites kept synchronized?? I just wonder!! > > > >Kind regards > > > >Siju > > > > > The Debian mirror sites use rsync. They run as cron scripts, but also > have a mechanism of notifying mirrors when the archive changes so a > mirror can go in and update sooner. You should be able to find the > details about this on the debian site: > http://www.debian.org/mirror/ftpmirror. >
Thanks a lot chris for the info. :-) kind regards Siju