On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 09:57:07PM -0400, kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
> I have a large text file (humongous.txt) with the following structure

One more Perl script to add to the mix, below. It's perhaps
paranoid and verbose in its error reporting, but I hope it
helps you to write your own scripts. You run it as

scriptname.pl humongous.txt

Let me know if it's unclear.

use strict;
use warnings;

my @thisFileLines = ();
my $filename = '';
my $thisFilename = '';
my $suffix = '.txt';    #suffix to append to filenames.
while(<>) {
        if( /^date\s+(\d+-\d+-\d+)$/ ) {
                $thisFilename = $1;
                if( @thisFileLines ) {  # are lines from another file waiting 
to be written?
                        if( &saveFile( $filename, @thisFileLines ) ) {  # if 
so, write them
                                # We've now saved the file; empty the buffer 
and start
                                # a new one so that we can move on to this file.
                                @thisFileLines = ($_);
                        else {
                                print STDERR "Failed to save $filename\n";
                else {  # no lines waiting to be written
                        push @thisFileLines, $_;
                $filename = $thisFilename . $suffix;
        else {  # Not a line beginning with 'date'
                push @thisFileLines, $_;
# Handle any leftover files to be saved -- those that
# aren't followed by a '^date' line.
&saveFile( $filename, @thisFileLines )
        or print STDERR "Failed to save $filename\n";

sub saveFile {
        my $filename = shift;
        if( open( OUTFILE, ">$filename" ) ) {
                print OUTFILE @_;
                if( !close OUTFILE ) {
                        return 0;
        else {
                print STDERR "Could not open $filename for writing.\n";
                return 0;
        return 1;

Stephen R. Laniel
+(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key

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