On 6/20/05, David Baron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday 20 June 2005 22:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> >  Now that I'm home I
> > notice that when booting the system hangs for approximately 60 seconds at
> > "Starting: MTA."
> >
> > I'm pretty green with Linux, but I'm guessing that the mail transfer agent
> > is looking for a mail source (network) that is no longer connected. Is that
> > correct? Whatever the problem, what do I do to fix the situation?
> Mine also does this. I am not sure for what it is waiting/polling/testing but
> after that minute or so, the thing plays 100%
i think it's waiting for the network connection. the interface comes
up indifferently if u'r wired to the network or not. only if u use a
script u can avoid the network interface to come up.
so when he find up the network interface the mta try to find a usable
dns, but unsuccesfully.
i'm using postfix but it's the same story.
i'm too lazy to try now the script for check network availability, but
has been discussed on this list.

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