Hi Marty and others, troubleshooting the network *is* part of his job description. I just like to make sure I've done my part. :) I've used a lot of systems over the years. I'm trying to make sure that this variant of linux/unix doesn't require that I do something else to make the NIC usable.
re: trying another port on the other end of the LAN segment. I have tried the other port in the wall jack. Unless they've done something *really* bad that would indicate that I've tried another port on the switch as well as wires & jack. It may very well be that the "brand name networking device" in the closet has not auto-negotiated. That is what the networking guy is supposed to determine, since I don't have the keys to the "closet". :) Hopefully, my networking guy will set his networking device to 100 Mb fullduplex since that is what my NIC is set at, and I can't think of a reason why I wouldn't want it to have that setting. :) Regards, Marc