On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 12:15:03PM +0530, Siju George wrote:
>  Could some one please tell me a good backup software for Linux.

This comes up every few days or weeks in this newsgroup, so I suggest
searching the archives at http://lists.debian.org/debian-user. I think
it can be summarised as follows: there are some good general purpose
backup solutions like mondo/mindi, partimage and several others. But
a home made script tailored to your system will work fine as
well. Just cobble something together with 'tar' and put it in your
crontab (man crontab) and you'll be fine. Look in the archives for
some example scripts.

> I am looking at Bacula
> but the line
> # Files deleted after a Full save will be included in a restoration. 
> in 
> http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/Current_State_Bacula.html
> under
> Current Implementation Restrictions
> makes me a little apprhensive.

I read this as: you make a backup on Monday. You delete some files on
Tuesday. You restore from backup on Wednesday and this will restore
all files including the deleted ones. Usually getting back a deleted
file is why you backup in the first place. So this seems normal

> Is there a backup utility that can backup not only files but even
> directory structures itsself?
> i.e
> If in a Directory "dir1" I have "file1", "file2", "file3" and I take a
> full backup "backup1" on "Day1" the I delete "file2" from "dir1" and
> take a differential backup "backup2".

What has this got to do with directory structure? Backing up the
directory structure of dir1 to me would mean backing up dir1 and all
its files and all subdirectories of dir1 with their files (and their
subdirectories, etc).

I don't know how every backup program manages differential backups and
if they take note when a file or directory has been deleted. I would
suggest a full daily backup if possible. But that depends on how much
data you have.

> Now I should be able to restore "dir1" from "backup2" with only "fle1"
> and "file2"

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I think at some point you are
saying "file2" when you mean "file3" or the other way around.

In most cases you can't restore from a differential backup. You will
need the previous full backup as well. In your case file1 hasn't
changed, so it will only be available in backup1, *not* in backup2 as
that only records the differences.


Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands] 
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"Let your advance worrying become advance thinking and planning."
 - Winston Churchill

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