On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 12:23:32PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm in the process of adding thousands of users to our system.
> Our users have a short life span on the system and we get many new
> users every year.
> We have a small script that will add many users to our system.
> We can get a list of users and their passwords in this format:
> FirstName LastName Password
> From this file, we can script it down to another file for batch adding.
> Example user: John Smith pass123
> jsmith pass123
> From the format above, we can easily run a script and add our users.
> Our biggest problem occurs when we have duplicate names.

I'd put all existing users in a hash table/dictionary.  This makes it
trivial to lookup whether some new user already exists.

The following little Perl script illustrates the idea:


my $old = $ARGV[0];

while (<>) {
    my ($name, $pass) = split ' ';   # parse input line
    $name = lc $name;                # treat name case-insensitive
    if ($ARGV ne $old) {             # from second file, i.e. new user?
        while (exists $lookup{$name}) {  # name already used?
            # find other name
            $name =~ s/(\d*)$/$1+1/e;
            $name =~ s/\D(\d+)$/$1/ if length $name > 8;
        # call script to add user:
        system "./yourscript", $name, $pass;
    $lookup{$name} = 1;              # put in lookup table

In case a new user is found to exist, some other username is created
automatically, by adding/incrementing a number at the end of the name.
You can modify that algorithm to suit your needs, of course...

The script takes two arguments:

$ ./check_add_users  oldusers newusers

The first arg is a file containing all existing users -- the first
value on the each line (whitespace-seperated) is taken to be the
username (any other stuff on the line is ignored, if present).
The second file contains all new users to add -- two values per line,
i.e. username password.

Replace "./yourscript" above with the user-add-script you already have.
It will be passed the username and password (not too surprisingly...:)

The script is not well-tested, so use at your own risk.  A dry run
followed by a uniqeness check should suffice, though.
In case you want to modify something, but Perl isn't your native
language, feel free to mail me off-list.


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