On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 11:22:55PM -0500, Eric P wrote:
> After using SuSE pro since 7.x, I finally threw in the towel and went
> Debian.  Seemed like a good time to do it... what with the new release
> and all.
> I do have a small laundry list of things I'm still trying to figure out,
> so if anyone can steer me in the right direction, I'd be mighty obliged.
> 1. Nvidia driver - is there a Debian way to approach this?  Or just run
> the Nvidia installer?

Hi Eric, someone asked this in the last few days. seach for that on the
debian-user archive. And second, install 'module-assistant', it has
software to automate installing/creating special kernel modules like the
one for nvidia.

> 2. I have a .bash_profile in my user directly, but it's not being
> sourced ever.  Any idea why?  I tried .profile as well w/o any luck. 
> Note: my .bashrc is being sourced.
> 3. Japanese input.  I installed Debian in Japanese, and Canna was 
> installed and starts automatically on boot as a result.  Also, 
> Kinput2-canna-wnn is installed (can't remember if I installed or what), 
> but it's not being started anywhere.  I think if I could solve issue #2, 
> I could slap the following lines in .bash_profile to get kinput2 running
> $ pidof kinput2 >/dev/null || kinput2 &
> $ export [EMAIL PROTECTED]
never used this but..
check out:
apt-cache show language-env
apt-cache show m17n-env
apt-cache search scim
apt-cache search uim
apt-cache show im-switch
if you are running stable(sarge), these may not be available as some are
new software.

> 4. (a bit more esoteric) Anyone ever install ColdFusion MX developer?  I
> had it running under SuSE 9.2 on top of Apache... Just curious before I try.
> Thanks for reading and thank you to the Debian community.  I'm glad to 
> have finally jumped the fence!
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