On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 04:29:12PM -0600, Cam wrote:
> mouse or do anything w/ ctrl+alt+backspace, sysrq, etc.  the only
> thing i can possibly think of being an issue is maybe my nvidia
> drivers (i did recompile the module for my new kernel).  any tips for
> maybe narrowing this down better?

I'd start with a stock Debian kernel -- or at least the
kernel you had before you recompiled. 

On a lark: which kernel version are you running? I'm running
Ubuntu on one of my machines, and one of the earlier kernel
versions interacted badly with GNOME. inotify turned out to
be the problem, and adding 'noinotify' to the kernel options
in grub solved that problem. They did eventually patch both
GNOME and the kernel to fix this, and I've turned inotify
back on with no problems.

On the off chance that it *is* the inotify bug, moving the
mouse seems to cause it; if you can get to a place where you
can normally reproduce the bug, but do everything with the
keyboard (Ctrl+Q to quit, Ctrl+Tab to go to the next tab,
etc.), see if it still appears. The inotify bug never showed
up for me unless I moved the mouse.

Stephen R. Laniel
+(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key

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