Hello everyone,
i just managed to install and setup a D-Link 520+ (an acx100 based
card) in my computer (an AMD Duron running Kernel 2.6.8 and debian
stable).  After running the 'start_net'-script there is a
wlan0-interface that is associated to my AP. It knows the MAC of the
AP and got an IP-Address via DHCP. So far everything works fine --
with or without WEP encryption.

But, however, it's not possible to 'ping -I wlan0 <my_accesspoint>' or
vice versa...

The syslog looks as i expect it to look after the pairing, and the LED
at the card blinks once every second while pinging.

Is it possible, that the card just cannot receive data? How can i find
out about it (e.g. show the packets received on an interface)?  (btw.:
with "the other OS" it works very well)
Any other suggestions?

Thanks a lot




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