On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 06:14:50PM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Friday June 10 2005 8:40 am, you wrote:
> > Paul Johnson wrote:
> > >It's
> > >preserved for posterity and not everybody wants to read a whole
> > >thread to figure out what solved some random printing problem.
> >
> > But, in fact, most people use web-based archives in which that's
> > exactly how they access the messages after the original discussion.
> Even then, the answers Google finds are the ones most relevant to the 
> keywords.  Answers with untrimmed quotes frequently get filtered by 
> Google as being duplicate, and are thus basically lost.  People who 
> read archives don't typically read entire threads:  It's a waste of 
> time when all that's relevant is the solution post with quotes 
> containing the relevant parts of what lead up to that solution.

In my experience, the solution(s) are presented in several messages,
as the list-writers grope toward it, discover some of them work a bit
and others don'e and without context you don't know which ones are the 
equivalend of rm -rf *.

-- hendrik

> -- 
> Paul Johnson
> Email and Instant Messenger (Jabber): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://ursine.ca/~baloo/

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