Marty wrote:

Guillaume TESSIER wrote:

Apt can fonction without [apt.conf]. Unless you have specific network settings (like access through proxy) then you don't need it. Either its an empty file either it's not there. If you use testing it might be there of not depending of the moment of your upgrade.

That seems to be the consensus, but once again, where does it get the Debian version? I can't for the life of me figure out how I've been upgrading (and downgrading -- don't try that at home kids -- for years using the apt.conf version paramemter and yet nobody seems to know of an alternate way to set the
Debian version. Oh well, at least it works for me! :D

You set the distribution by pointing on a repository in /etc/apt/sources.list
Either [stable, testing, unstable]
the pb is that debian just slided the whole thing a few days ago...

Yes debian works fine! I found debian testing much stable and flexible than any other distribution before. Each package feet perfectly in the delicate puzzle. Dependencies are tightly handed. And the repositories are enormous.

....however the recent switch could have been smoother (some more official info would have been great).

I don't have time by now but this recent switch let me wonder about some stuff.

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