mdevin said:

> So I did the following:
> Created a short ldif file to add user mark to the ldap directory
> Used ldapadd to add the user and group.  And it worked!

cool! that was easy, huh:)

> So you would expect ssh to fall back to etc.

yep, which is useful for doing host-based ACLs from ldap(something
I will add to my HOWTO real soon)

> I haven't any experience with Wiki etc. that you mention.  The real reason
> I wanted to get this stuff to work was so that I could try and get postfix
> and Courier IMAP to use it and then install Jamm.  I was reading the howto
> at:

that looks interesting, i've been wanting to do that too. have to
learn how to get virtual hosting right with ldap/postfix first, still
haven't figured it out(but haven't tried hard yet)

> Which seemed like a neat way to manage a mail server even if it does
> provide more functionality than I need.  Also I am keen on installing
> JBoss and Tomcat and experimenting more with Java webapps and EJBs.

damn, sounds like quite a setup :)


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