i AM sure, that ..

1. etch is the currently testing-Branch
2. Testing was forked when sarge became stable (not so long ago ;-)

-> so Etch = Sarge + what changed in testing since sarge became stable

When testing (etch) becomes more busy (new packages -
gnome-transition, ...) it MAY be unstable for a short while .. but
that was the case in sarge, too before it freezed.

2005/6/10, Nico De Ranter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Fri, 2005-06-10 at 15:33, nullman wrote:
> > isnt etch currently only a very young fork of sarge ?
> > -> so IT WILL be as stable as sarge the last months !
> I'm not sure. Etch is likely to get the latest version of KDE, Gnome,
> Perl, python... soon which will make it very unstable for a while.
> Nico
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------
>  "It has been said that there are only two businesses that
>   refer to customers as users: illegal drug trade and
>                the computer industry."
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Nico De Ranter
> Senior System Administrator
> Sony Service Center (NSCE)
> The Corporate Village, Da Vincilaan 7-D1
> B-1935 Zaventem, Belgium
> Telephone: +32 (0)2 700 86 41 Fax: +32 (0)2 700 86 22

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