On Sun, Jun 05, 2005 at 04:55:44PM -0400, Ollie Acheson wrote:
> Got back from a trip only to find my webserver largely dead. When I tried to 
> reboot with knoppix, first the bios noted problems with the hard drive. 
> Knoppix 
> eventually started, but when I tried to mount the hard drive, I got a lengthy 
> cycle of error messages of the form:
> hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
> hda: read_intr: error=0x01 {AddrMarkNotFound }, LBAsect=86579028, sector=2
> until eventually it mounted the partition (worked with 3 of the 5 partitions 
> -- 
> two wouldn't ever mount).
> While it seems pretty apparent that the hard drive is toast, I would 
> appreciate 
> understanding the error messages. Any thoughts?

IIRC, Knoppix comes with smartmon tools package.  You may want to use it
to interrogate the drive's electronics about the status of various
components.  The docs are fairly well written and should get you going
in short order.  If you are really curious, you will probably want to
run a long self-test (about 1-2 hours, depending on age and size of the


Roberto C. Sanchez

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