On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 06:30:50 -0700 (PDT)
David Witbrodt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Pedro M (Morphix User)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can anybody improve the page http://wiki.debian.net/?Move about the
> > same topic ?.
> > Thank you a lot.
>   After reviewing all of the helpful suggestions provided on this
>   list, I chose this method; it seemed simple and elegant.
>   It bombed out pretty badly, though.  My system froze in an endless
>   loop of error messages about "DMA table too small" on my destination
>   drive.  A local Linux guru had warned me about making sure not to
>   copy the mounted destination partitions on top of themselves, so it
>   (in hindsight) seems logical to me that a command like
>    tar cvf - / | (cd /mnt/; tar xvf -)
> would try to copy /mnt/* to itself, unless 'tar' has built-in
> safeguards.  (As a newb, I don't know the answers to such questions
> yet.)
>   I'm going to try some variations on the above method -- excluding
>   /mnt from the tar process, for example -- and I'll post any
>   successes or failures back here.

You might want to try reading the Howto on upgrading hard drives. More
specifically, step 7 lists several different ways to copy an
installation from one drive to another and mentions which directories to



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