On Sun, May 29, 2005 at 05:30:20PM +0200 or thereabouts, Felix Natter wrote:
> hi,
> when I try to save this file:
> http://home.t-online.de/~fam.natter/prosper/LDCLogosm.gif
> as .eps (for inclusion in LaTeX-document), the resulting .eps
> looks unsharp:
> http://home.t-online.de/~fam.natter/prosper/LDCLogo.eps
> Using gimp I tried to save in indexed or rgb mode,
> no difference. I also tried imagemagick:
> $ convert LDCLogosm.gif LDCLogo.eps
> it gave the same results.

Is there any particular reason for using '.eps' ? Is it to be printed ? I would
use gif or png and make the background transparent. You should be able to make
the eps transparent as well -- I'm not sure of the GIMPs capabilities in that

Steve A.
Sunday May 29 2005 16:00:02 EDT
Guillotine, n.:
        A French chopping center.

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