On Sat, 28 May 2005 19:31:00 -0400
Marty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Rogério Brito wrote:
> > On May 28 2005, Ionut Georgescu wrote:
> >> On the other hand, the windows versions of Firefox and Thunderbird
> >are > amazingly fast. This is really said ...
> > 
> > Indeed. One thing that has puzzled me is that scrolling in
> > www.macslash.org
> > is simply *slow* on my system while I am using Debian.
> I see it too.  Not only that, but the PageDown key seems to work
> incorrectly.

Are ya'll using unstable? If so, I'll make sure not to upgrade. The only
time I've noticed Firefox being slow is when I install the SwitchProxy
or Web Developer extensions (and a very small amount with Greasemonkey,

Out of curiosity, how did everybody install Firefox? They were releasing
updates so fast for a while that I started using the tarball from
mozilla.org. (I'm using testing, so it took a while for the new release
to make its way down.)


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