On Wednesday 25 May 2005 01:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > I am running Debian testing which has recently transitioned from
> > tuxracer to ppracer 0.3.1.
> >
> > The game has slowed by at least an order of magnitude, based on
> > side-by-side testing with a backed-up copy of old tuxracer.  The
> > results are consistent after trying several graphics cards.  With old
> > Tuxracer I get 20-30fps, while ppracer gives 2-5fps.  (The tested
> > cards refresh glxgears at 250-730fps).
> >
> > These results were seen on older hardware (K6-3 450MHz w/first gen 3D
> > graphics cards).  I can understand how this problem might not be as
> > noticable on fast hardware.
> I can confirm that. Tuxracer consistently ran at 100 - 110fps, but
> ppracer runs at 75 - 80fps on my computer. You're right, the difference
> is noticeable, but not enough to be a problem. I had to turn on the fps
> display to see how much of a difference it was.
> My computer is a 1.8Ghz AMD Athlon with 1GB of ram and a Radeon 9200SE
> video card.
> Unfortunately this doesn't help your problem, but I can confirm you're
> not the only one seeing it.

Yup. I am running it on older hardware and get single digit frame rates. On 
some courses, I will get 5 or more which is passable. On others, I get less 
and the game can be almost uncontrollable. For the same reason, I cannot run 
flightgear. But at least, ppracer remains playable.

The new version is doing more. Shadowing, haze, etc. These features can be 
turned off but I did not get better frame rates by doing so. While the 
shadowing could make such animation a bit more real, this implementation is 
marginal. There comes a tradeoff between algorithmic features and performance 
and thar's the rub. I would rejoice with a 75fps display :-)

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